foodblog suspended

This is a automated message from Fujitax, makers of the finest camera’s in the world.

This blog has been suspended due to infringement of our patent #329856-5323-23 which states that only pictares of food taken with Fujitax cameras are legal. Any pictares of food taken on other manufacturers cameras are, since the 5th April 2007, illegal and must be destroyed by a violent chegwin.

Fujitax urges anyone even thinking about taking pictares of food to buy their latest camera, the F-00D S33-1T, which has multiple food modes enabling the best possible pictares of food and the only legal method of capturing your dietary eye feasts.

We currently have a patent pending for taking pictares of drinks and have already secured agreements for exclusive rights to slush puppies and gin.

This blog will be unblogged when we have ample evidence that the editor has no will to blog food or buys a Fujitax camera and removes all pictares of food taken with other cameras.

Thank you and good food photos to you all.