something has got to…

something has got to give,
if i carry on i’ll have had a nothing life,
and i’ll have wasted everybodies time,
something’s got to give.

something has got to give,
is life really like this,
or is mine just boring,
something’s gotta give.

something has got to give,
all this effort for nothing,
all this worry for nothing,
something got to give.

something has got to give,
i don’t want to leave the world as i came into it,
and a little is not enough for me,
some thing’s got to give.

something has got to give,
something stop me going on,
something push me to another path,
something got ta give.

something has got to give,
life in, life out,
all the same, always the same,
some ting’s got to give.

something has got to give,
5:51 the same as 5:59,
i wanna make it to 5:60 and beyond,
some thing has go to give.

somethings has got to give,
something to come along and take my feet,
something to wake me from this sleep,
someone has got to give.
Current Mood: i don’t know what that means
Current Music: the knife – various