Last day of november

Oh the poor november sitting right next to december but does it get a party on it’s leaving too? no it fucking doesn’t. i’m going to change that, from now on the last day of november will be known as “THANK YOU NOVEMBER” day.

“THANK YOU NOVEMBER” day is global, so don’t think that you can get out of celebrating it, it’s for everyone like it or not. Since it is a special day it needs some special tasks to make it real. These tasks are set to change on my whim so don’t forget to check my site before every “THANK YOU NOVEMBER” day to see what is required of you.

This years tasks:

1) In the morning, the first person you meet, slap them and say “THANK YOU NOVEMBER”.

2) For lunch eat twigs and leaves in novembers’ honour.

3) Find a cat and kick it. they like it and it will remind them it’s “THANK YOU NOVEMBER” day.

4) Masturbate. As per any celebratory day. (the impotent are exempt from this the first year, after that they must use uneaten twigs to ‘prop up’)

5) Get drunk and make a pass at your sister. This way you and she will never forget “THANK YOU NOVEMBER” day.
You have your tasks: GET GO!
Current Mood: duvet
Current Music: pillows